▣ Secure Role 생성 및 사용
S SYS> create role dba2;
Role created.
S SYS> grant dba to dba2;
Grant succeeded.
S SYS> alter role dba2 identified by "x1818";
Role altered.
S SYS> grant dba2 to scott;
Grant succeeded.
S SCOTT> select role from ROLE_ROLE_PRIVS;
DBA2 => SCOTT 인데 패스워드 없어도 DBA2 권한 사용이 가능하기 때문에 문제점
S SYS> alter user scott default role
2 all except dba2;
User altered.
S SCOTT> create table hr.xxx(x date);
create table hr.xxx(x date)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
S SCOTT> set role dba2 identified by "x1818"; => 패스워드 사용한 후 아래와 같이 사용가능
Role set.
S SCOTT> create table hr.xxx(x date);
Table created.
S SYS> select username,password from dba_users;
USERNAME PASSWORD => 패스워드가 hash 됨
------------------------------ ------------------------------
SCOTT F894844C34402B67 => tiger가 F894844C34402B67로 Hash
S SYS> select ora_hash('TIGER') from dual;
4203896837 => Tiger를 Hash할 수 있지만 4203896837를 Tiger로 Hash하지 못함
S SYS> /
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