컬럼명 | 설명 | 예 |
SID | ID of the session |
EVENT | Name of the wait event |
TOTAL_WAITS | Total number of waits for the event by the session |
TOTAL_TIMEOUTS | Total number of timeouts for the event by the session |
TIME_WAITED | Total amount of time waited for the event by the session (in hundredths of a second) |
AVERAGE_WAIT | Average amount of time waited for the event by the session (in hundredths of a second) |
MAX_WAIT | Maximum time waited for the event by the session (in hundredths of a second) |
TIME_WAITED_MICRO | Total amount of time waited for the event by the session (in microseconds) |
EVENT_ID | Identifier of the wait event |
Sys> get sessionEvent
col event form a50;
select event,total_waits,wait_class from v$session_event
where sid=&sid
Sys> get topSessionEvent
col event form a50;
col wait_class form a20;
select * from (
select sid,event,total_waits,wait_class
from v$session_event s
where (select username from v$session where sid=s.sid) is not null
and sid not in (
select sid from v$session where
username in ('SYS','SYSMAN','DBSNMP')
order by total_waits desc
where rownum<10
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